Uppercut Deluxe

  • 18,95

Uppercut Deluxe Men's Featherweight Pomade (70g)

The Uppercut Deluxe Featherweight Pomade provides a medium hold with extra grip and gives a long-lasting, dry, matt look. Suitable for all hairstyles, the hair pomade sets fast and is ideal for the modern man who is constantly on the go but requires a sleek look that will see him through his daily business. - L.R. Directions for use: Apply to dry hair that has been washed beforehand. Start by working a small amount into your palms and spreading evenly across both hands. Apply a small amount to the fringe area using fingertips then work from the back of your head forwards making sure to spread product evenly throughout your hair. Mould your hair into your desired shape as you go as Featherweight sets fast.

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